After a long day of driving to New York and then an even longer day of flying, I finally made it to Lima, Peru!! My Uncle Duilio and my mom's friend Mila met us at the airport! It was fun traveling with my family and with my Aunt Mirtha, cousin Joann and her man Sean!

Once we got to Lima we went straight to our hotel in Miraflores. Where my aunt Rossana met us with some family friends! After we settled into the hotel we realized we were starving!! We walked to the mall by the Pacific Ocean and ate some burgers at this local burger place. I was super excited because there was a Havanna store that sold dulce de leche and alfajores too!!

Today we are walking around Miraflores and going to lunch with some friends. Tomorrow we´re off to Nasca to see the lines with my uncle Duilio, my dad, Joann and Sean! I´ll keep updating as the week goes on!!

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